I'm Rajashekhar Goud Ramayampeta

A Software Engineer.

About Me

A Software engineer with experience in IT industry specifically in Internet technologies with skills in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Product development, Production support and maintenance of various Web Applications using Java/J2EE Technologies.Experience working in both team and individual environments and handful experience on contemporary technologies like Spring Boot,Spring,JPA,Hibernate and VUE JS,Angular , React JS and Node JS frameworks and always have a passion to learn new technologies and implement them in real time environment.

I am currently learning Open CV, Face recognition Machine and Deep learning Techonlogies from MLCrunch



I graduated from Western Kentucky University in the field of Computer Science (2012-2014) WKU


I received Computer Science And Engineering bachelors degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (2007-2011). JNTUH

Asurion (Software Engineer III)
  • Integrated Walmart, Best Buy, and Samsung Ingram TV vendors to purchase TVs for Asurion customers. Made use of Node Js, Hapi web framework, and React js, improved replacement TV portal with advanced search filters which reduced the user average spending time on the portal by more than 70%.
  • Built an AWS lambda single click claim URL functionality for amazon customers to claim products directly from amazon.com, made use of Redis cache, Lambda, API Gateway, Node Crypto library which shortened the number of claim steps in the claim flow and overall claim time by 30%.
  • I have been part of the Login with Amazon(LWA) functionality development for customers where they can directly be authenticated through an amazon prime account which helped customers with the hassle of remembering passwords and entering OTPs.
  • Working on a web portal where customers claim insured products, developing a user interface to upload customer receipts and product images into AWS S3, and integrating live chat features to the web portal for instant customer help from live agents.
  • Developing UI using React with Typescript and maintaining UI central state using REDUX and working on uploading fraud documents functionality into AWS S3 in the case of fraudulent claims for business needs.
June 2019 - Present
Frontier Techonlogies.(Software Engineer)
  • During this time, I was working for National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA), CVS Care Mark and United Health Care.
  • Led and developed various web applications using Spring, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Spring Data JPA, Vue Js and converted outdated oracle forms into spring framework with Vue js, Twitter Bootstrap, Thymeleaf, and HTML. which helped the organization to reduce outdated oracle forms license and maintenance costs.
  • Worked on an application called “Championship Official'' where internal NCAA administration selects umpires and standby for NCAA march madness basketball tournament and developed drag and drop UI feature with VUE JS to assign umpires to all March madness rounds for men’s and women’s basketball which helps the administrators to easily maintain entire NCAA bracket and which reduced the time by 90% while selecting and reassigning umpires to all rounds.
  • Generated PDF and EXCEL sheet data reports using IText and Apache POI libraries in the Spring framework with Java 8 and implemented a common UI interface to execute SQL queries by selecting various tables directly from UI and importing result data into either excel or pdf formats which helps NCAA administration to generate historical data within 2 - 3 minutes.
  • Converted Oracle Forms into Spring with Thymeleaf, JSP and JSTL.
  • Worked on various modern User Interfaces Java script libraries such as VUE JS, Angular and React JS.
  • Worked on an application called “Committees” where NCAA three-division members are selected for over 230 sports committees and integrated Spring Security with Single Sign On(SSO) and worked on a Financial review system where schools and athletes submit their annual expenditure budgets and which made committee nomination process easy and budget submission by schools and improved submission of applications within 1-5 minutes.
  • Created a common interface for all NCAA three divisions for electing committee members and developed a bulletin to check the committee members' nomination status and committee membership expiration dates. Modularized front and back end with model-view-controller architectural pattern.
  • Developed UI with VUE Js & VUEX and configured Jenkins for build automation and written complex SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures in Oracle Database.
  • Implemented REST API with Spring MVC and Test-Driven Development and implemented front and back end test cases using Jest, Enzyme, Junit, Mockito frameworks..
  • Worked on various JPA specification frameworks such as Hibernate, IBatis.
  • Configured variuos maven archetype spring boot rest applications.
  • Build and Deploy full-stack Vue apps with Spring Boot using web pack, Node Js, and maven front end dependency and worked on configuring application logs using Apache Log4j and Logback Configuration and Integrated spring email with applications to send email notifications to users and scheduled spring Cron jobs to run some of the REST Web-services in a timely manner..
  • Developed a web portal for internal CVS stores for checking inventory items from the main CVS Datastore and implemented functionality to check SKUs and prices from all associated vendors which improved CVS inventory search from 10 minutes to 3 seconds.
  • Developed OHFS Mobile application for United HealthCare HSA customers. This project includes developing a mobile version website for the OPTUM bank portal. OPTUM bank provides banking and financial services to its wide range of customers.
August 2014 - May 2019
Graduate Assistant@(WKU)
  • Web development on UCC and EMCC websites.
  • December 2012 - May 2014


React & Redux , VUE JS & VUEX
Python, Machine Learning
JAVA, Spring Boot,Spring MVC,Spring Security, Spring AOP
Mongo DB, Oracle, MYSQL

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Contact Info

  • Washington D.C., USA

  • +1 (940)613-4961

  • rramayampeta@gmail.com